Saturday, August 24, 2013

My second week here !!!!

So as of today this will be my second week here and things here as going a little bit better, I still get home sick once in a while but I think that goes with the big adjustment and culture shock that I have been going through here. This is a beautiful town that I am living in and I like it here. This week I would consider the test week, with the 3 little ones started school on the Monday and with was different just getting use to the way it would be. Which I don't think it was that hard at all, I feel like the Monday and Tuesdays are a little easy, but Wednesday is the kicker with the kids done at 12:15/ 12:30 isn't that bad but it's just getting two children to two sports activities around the same time is difficult but I think that it will get easier. I really haven't traveled too much because I am nervous to go somewhere and not know where I'm going just only being here 2 weeks. I think I might venture out in September once I get use to this place and then take it from there. I am still trying to get use to the fact that everyone back at home is 6 hours behind me and that when I am awake during the day people are still sleeping but it will get easier when I get use to it here. When I was talking to the family this week I was asking them about their holidays that they have and I was asking them if they celebrate thanksgiving over there and they said nope that they don't , so I guess that thanksgiving is only an American and Canadian thing so that is one holiday that I will be missing this year bummer, I always look forward to thanksgiving because of the brigden fair every year but can not wait till next year :).  But I also wanted to tell yea about the weather here it changes at different times, it can be nice a sunny at one point then it changes to rain the next, this is just because we are so close to the ocean that the weather changes at different times. And they do bike here during the winter time with snow on the grown, I don't know if I will be ready to bike in the winter time with snow on the grown I will be really scared of falling or wiping out lol. But I hope to have more an better news when I venture out here in the Netherlands.

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