Friday, August 16, 2013

my first full week here

first of all the plane ride to Amsterdam wasn't that bad at all, it was a very calm flight but nerve racking at the same time. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out where i had to go to pick up my luggage, normally my family is with me and i know where i have to go , but it was my turn to do this on my very on. The father and the 3 daughters where there greeting me with flowers and a banner with my name on it, this makes me feel welcomed and loved at the same time, as we where leaving the air port i thought to my self " now this i an adventure an a BIG change in my life and i better make the best of it". Then i had the chance to unpack everything and that is the part that i had packing and unpacking things i wish things where easier. i went with the father and one of the daughters to get a look of Hilversum and what all is here, and there is a shopping mall my fav so that will be my new best friend while i am away from home. I found out that i will NOT be driving a minnie van while i am here i am driving a Saab which is nice for a change. i am glad that this week the kids where still on summer vacation that way it was easier for me to get to know them and for them to know me, umm being familiar with the town and where i have to drive the kids to for as i will have a lot of driving to be doing. Everyone has been asking me about the food and it is the same as what we would be eating at home but thank goodness this family is a healthy eaters and that is working well in my diet as well. I know that this year will go by very fast and before i know it, i will have to go back home but with this blog i will be keeping you all updated with what i have been up to. and as soon as i figure out how to put pictures on this blog i will.

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